Jay Hardy: Building my career in Petroleum Engineering


The  expects that by the year 2035, the industry will employ  the number of petroleum engineers in the workforce as of 2015. There is no field where there is no use of petroleum products; the increasing demand for energy provides a necessity to recruit more petroleum engineers. There is still 40 to 50 percent of the oil resources remaining in the subsurface, which calls for better extraction methods and more advanced technology developments. 

Jay Hardy presentingJay Hardy, a rising Junior Petroleum and Natural Gas Engineering and Business double major student, has big goals for his future. “I will build my own oil/gas company after I complete my degree; this is my plan and I am working hard to make it happen,” said Jay. 

Jay’s grandfather was an oilman, so he has witnessed the prosperity of the oil and gas industry firsthand since he was a kid. When he was in 10th grade, Jay had decided he wanted to be a Petroleum Engineer. “I was so fortunate to get to know this industry early, I also have met many great people who shared with me their experience in the oil and gas industry. I was so fascinated about everything and I knew this is what I want to do with my life.”

Jay transferred from Edinboro University and selected Petroleum and Natural Gas Engineering at ϲʿ because of the high recommendation of his industry mentor. “He told me there was a small program at ϲʿ that is really becoming a great program, and is on  radar,” says Jay. “I am so glad that I made this decision. I am doing so much better in school since I came here after Edinboro, the faculty and student relationship is unlike anything I’ve seen.”

After one year at ϲʿ, Jay has already received professional awards, research grants and an internship in the field. He also has made many friends here. “You are a product of your environment. Surround yourself with those on the same mission as you.” Jay believes.

Jay Hardy with Dr Wang

In his first semester of sophomore year, Jay received student research funding and completed a research project titled “Characterization of Organic Pores of High Maturation Shale Gas Reservoirs,” supervised by his academic advisor: Dr. Guochang Wang. Jay presented his research results in 2019 SPE () North America Eastern Paper Contest and won 1st place in the undergraduate student session. He will be awarded a sponsored trip by SPE to the championship in 2019 SPE Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition in Calgary, Canada this October. “I worked very hard for a very long time, and at the same time, I learned so much. I could not thank more for all the time my advisor spent with me on this research project, this has been a great experience for me.”

Besides the profession in his study, Jay is very active in professional development activities. Last semester, he was selected as the president of  (AADE) Student Section at ϲʿ. He led AADE student members representing ϲʿ, won 2nd place in the AADE Drill Bowl competition along with a $2,000 award in February, organized students to participate in 2019 AADE National Technical Conference in April, and invited industry speakers to share their experience and career suggestions to PNGE students. “I appreciate the support from PNGE students and our program, this year we will get AADE rolling very strong,” said Jay confidently. 

This summer, Jay has accepted an internship with  to do completion and stimulation work in the field. He is learning a lot in the field from running pumps to the blenders, performing slick-water fracturing and cross-link fracturing, which has been wonderful for him to learn the Petroleum Engineering knowledge from the real world experience. “This work is definitely making me appreciate everything I learned from school,” Jay mentioned.   

“Next semester, I have registered 24 credit hours courses including PNGE and business, there are definitely more challenges in front of me, but that will not stop me.” Jay said, “I will reach my goal step by step, I believe ϲʿ is the best place for me to get started.” 
