Dr. Matthew Birk

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Matthew A. Birk Profile Image

Position: Assistant Professor

Department: Biology

Office: Science Center 108


About Dr. Matthew Birk


  • Ph.D. Marine Science, University of South Florida
  • B.Sc. Marine Biology, University of North Carolina Wilmington


Dr. Birk studies how animals manage to strike a balance in oxygen supply and demand throughout environmental and exercise challenges. Octopuses, squids, and their relatives are an especially interesting focal group since they are able to sustain very active lifestyles (high oxygen demand) despite phylogenetically-constrained oxygen supply. Dr. Birk is also broadly interested in many aspects of cephalopod biology. He applies an integrative approach to his research that incorporates biochemistry, genetics, physiology, behavior, and ecology to gain a holistic understanding of marine animals and their roles in marine ecosystems.


Additional information can be found at .


Courses Taught

  • Marine Biology
  • Oceanography
  • Research Diver
  • Methods Coral Reef Ecology
  • SCUBA courses